Home sale to finance film

Swimming1I’m very happy with the plans we’ve made to get Swimming with Byron from the realm of ideas to the screen (another realm of ideas). I’ve worked a lot with Eric, the cinematographer, and have good support from people here in Austin, people in Rome (thanks Tatiana), in London (thanks Nigel and Andrea), in the Lakes (thanks Fred), throughout Italy (thanks Brian and Alan), and in Turkey (thanks Selin).

But it’s hard to get the money to make a movie.

We’re going the crowdfunding route. I vacillated between Kickstarter and Indiegogo. I’m still vacillating a little, but have mostly decided that Kickstarter’s the way to go.

Our strengths: I’m a Romanticist. I know what I’m talking about. I’ve published a book and many articles, academic and creative, on the Romantics and their places.

I’ve been to all the locations we’re talking about. I speak French, and can get that “walking through France” part of the movie going. I can swim the Hellespont. You should see my lats. They’re massive.

I’ve made one movie as a director, and four shorter films, also as director, as well as narrator. We know what we’re doing.

But can we raise the money? Continue reading “Home sale to finance film”