So I said “to hell with it,” and bought a damn treadmill

treadmill-cartoonIf you read the last post, you’ll know how challenging it is to borrow a treadmill. Maybe it’s just me. Maybe I have a face that says: “Don’t trust me with your treadmill.” Maybe they could sense I was going to dismantle it a little. I was going to un-dismantle it after using it (seriously, I was), but I had no luck.

Fortunately, there’s craigslist. I went and bought one today from a guy who has three houses on the same lot. Seriously. I got there and called him to ask which house he was in. I almost asked him to just fund the film and let us use one of the houses as a studio to film the crowdfunding video. But alas I’m the creative type, not the type who’s good at asking strangers for money.

So, now our production company owns several cameras, a lot of lenses, a green screen, a Steadicam®‚ and several tripods. We almost own a slider that moves the camera back and forth in cool ways. We aren’t exactly Sony, but we can film some stuff.

And we have a treadmill for walking in front of the green screen.